Bachelor of Ministry – Youth Emphasis

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Tuition: $4,500

The Bachelor of Ministry – Youth Emphasis Track is 39 Hours – Total Hours Required 120

This program trains students for effective youth ministry within the adolescent subculture by introducing students to developmental characteristics, cultural and sociological influences, ministry philosophies and strategies, teaching methodologies and program planning approaches that are essential to youth ministry

Prerequisites: High School Diploma
Core Curriculum – Click here for details
Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.

Required Track Courses:

YOU-3703 –  Introduction to Youth Ministry

Today’s pastor must have a working knowledge of youth ministry. This course is designed for anyone with a heart for working with children of all ages. Details of youth ministry are carefully examined.

YOU-3713 –  Youth Group vs Youth Ministries

An essential course that provides clear, proven, step-by-step instructions to help youth workers change their youth group into a dynamic student ministry, as well as establish strategic approaches to growth at each level or size of youth ministry.

YOU-3723 –  Effective Biblical Counseling for Youth

A classic in Biblical counseling, this course presents a model of counseling which can be gracefully integrated into the functioning of the local church.

YOU-3733 –  Forming Spiritual Children

Understanding how a child’s faith forms is critical to knowing how adults can most significantly enhance the child’s spiritual development. This course provides caring parents and teachers with valuable insights into spiritual formation during childhood.

YOU-3743 –  Helping Youth To Make Right Choices

Our modern society confuses young people to the point that they often don’t know to make right choices. This course is designed to help the youth leader or pastor to teach youth of all ages the difference between right and wrong.

YOU-3753 –  Screening Youth Workers and More

This course offers vivid examples of what can possibly go wrong when a church has no system in place to screen those involved in children and youth ministry. The text offers a comprehensive screening program which should be adopted by every church. This course is a must for every youth leader.

YOU-3763 –  Junior High Ministry

Although the text for this course is relaxed and rather non-academic, it covers virtually every aspect of ministry to early adolescents. It sheds light on the physical, social, intellectual, psych-emotional and spiritual development of young people ages 11 to 14.

YOU-3773 –  Christian Counseling for Adolescents at War I

A course for all who counsel or work with teenagers, identifying the most common struggles and how to deal with them. It is a standard for everyone striving to help young people through times of struggle. It contains a comprehensive guide to many common teenage problems.

YOU-3783 –  Christian Counseling for Adolescents at War II

A continuation of YOU-3773

YOU-3793 –  Reaching the Next Generation

A course that innovatively explores the power of community, shame, adoption and hope for today’s young adults. It sets forth a compelling strategy of small group ministry that should appeal to a generation starved for a sense of belonging.

YOU-37103 –  Advanced Children’s Ministry

This is a solid and academically challenging course that is essential for helping organize an effective ministry for children. Today’s child is not the same as those growing up in past generations. They face different challenges and reach for different solutions than the youth leader of yesterday is able to deliver.

YOU-37113 –  Advanced Youth Ministry I

Advanced Youth Ministry provides one of the few treatments of youth ministry that can serve as an advanced college/seminary course and still offer practical insights for practicing clergy. It provides a comprehensive overview of the various models of youth ministry that have been popular among evangelicals for the past half-century.

YOU-37123 –  Advanced Youth Ministry II

A continuation of YOU-37113